Before you continue, please consider putting on some nice headphones and play the audio below while you take a further look.
SYN NachtKracht is in Dutch

An ode to nightlife.
spoken word x music x etching
This beautiful and unusual piece of art, made by night lovers, aims to reconnect us to the value of nightlife. It reminds us why we dance, meet, stray and stay.
It reminds us to feel.
It takes us to the right moment at the right place on the right night.
It tells us to go, to move and to mingle.
This is what it has always been about.
NACHTKRACHT is a multidisciplinary art piece in which we combined spoken word, music and etching. The etching, made by Mathieu Schellekens, is based on the poem written by Justin Samgar. Hame created a beautiful soundtrack to enhance the poem, evolving into an energetic euphorical journey after the spoken words.
SYN collective developed a frame that can play audio by connecting your headphones. This way, the words and music are integrated into the art piece to create one piece of art for the mind, eyes and ears.
photography: David in den Bosch
You can hear the poem and music by inserting your headphones into the side of the frame.
If you haven't yet: listen to a the audio below.
Size: the art piece is 100x90cm. An unusually large size for etching.
Lengt Audio: 6:55 minutes
Framed: Yes. The frame contains a technical element that makes it possible to play audio. The frame is black. The audio element is made with stainless steel buttons and works on batteries.
Glass: Museum glass
Purchase info
Limited edition: 10 total
Price: On request. Please contact
Delivery: 4-5 weeks
Headphones not included

Mathieu Schellekens

Justin Samgar
